vineri, 17 iunie 2011

Turkish bread

Turkish bread
Ingredients 1 table spoon of yeast 1 1/2 cups warm water pinch of sugar 1 1/2 small spoon of salt 3 table spoons of oil 4 cups of flour. Melt yeast and pinch of sugar in warm water; let it rest for 10 minutes. When it’s frothy, stir it in salt, oil and flour (2 cups). Gradually add the left over flour mixing it well Squeeze 8-10 minutes or until it gets smooth and elastic Place the mixture in a greased bowl and let it rise until it doubles (1/2-1 hour.) Punch down and let rise again until it doubles. Punch down and divide into 1-4 pieces. Roll into a diamond shape and then roll up and pinch to seal to form long loaves. Place it on oiled cookie sheet. Slice the top of the dough with your knife 3 times diagonally down each loaf Brush with water and let rise until it doubles again (about 1 hour). Bake at 190 C for 30 minutes.

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