Raising wine

Raisin Wine Ingredients: 150 g of raisins, 1 kg of sugar, 2 lemons. Preparation: raisins, cleaned the stem, are held for several hours in cold water, then take them through a meat grinder. In a half liter of boiling water, dissolve sugar, then, squeeze juice from a lemon. Allow to cool then INTRODUCTION chopped raisins in a glass container with a capacity of 5 liters, pour syrup over them, then pour another 1.5 liters of water, adding lemon juice other, and all its bark. It wad particular fermentation, leaving it there for about 1.5 months to stand at room temperature, making sure that the container to be shaken every day for several minutes. When all impurities are left on the bottom and the liquid becomes clear, is a sign that fermentation has finished and can be poured into bottles. Who wants to speed up fermentation, add a teaspoon of yeast dissolved in water and rub with a tablespoon of sugar.

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