Green peas stew with sausagesGreen peas stew with sausages

Green peas stew with sausages. Ingredients: 1 kg green peas, 4 threads Oltenian''sausages'', 2 onions, 200 g sour cream, tomato paste, salt and pepper. Method: Chop onion and place in frying pan in which oil and put in preheated prealalil, cut sausage into small pieces and put himself in a little pan and fry, place the peas and stir 1 minute, cover with water and add 2 tablespoons of tomato paste, salt and pepper to taste. After the peas are cooked add bold. Bold Method: Fill with water. When cooked pipotele is igrosala. Thickened Preparation: Place 2 tablespoons of flour into a bowl, pour cream over and stir, pour the mixture from the heat and stir sauce over thickened. When thickened, pour over the composition becomes homogeneous, let boil for 2-3 minutes and ready. Enjoy your meal.


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